In view of the upcoming municipal elections in Roccasecca, signed a pact of war between the council's outgoing Mayor John George and moderates. The moderators will be represented in the list by Dr. Crescenzo Note, a prominent figure of the movement with political and administrative experience behind him. In the last provincial election, the election of Councillor touched for a handful of votes, consistent and professional person, well known in the City, elected City Councilman of opposition to the List Abbate decided to join the moderates after just a year and a half Consiliatura. It has always been committed and spent on the movement seriously and showing affection. The moderators will be present as always by his side in this election, where the agreements reached with the list George see the inclusion in the electoral program of many battles have always supported by the Moderates. The construction of a bridge over the River Melfa, a polyclinic, the final realization of a cleaner at the airport, great attention to environmental, trade development with creation of infrastructure, in short, the battles for which the Moderates were always covered. A political program and then see the moderates understand that taking responsibility is not enough to witness and screaming. The attitude policy of the moderates, however, thwarted by political forces that have never wanted to acknowledge its existence, is determined by the specific desire of wanting to help change many things in this city that has all it takes to return to play a major role in the province , a city that has in its historical, cultural, environmental and monumental resources, which if properly exploited could foster economic growth, a ransom that this City deserves without a doubt. Dr. Note is the right person and able to represent with dignity the moderates in the City Council but as a protagonist rather than simple opposition councilor. Moderators of Roccasecca will be determined to give his side the maximum agreement determined than ever to ensure the movement of players and a future no longer be mere observers.
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