whoever wins takes the ...
Saturday, from morning to night, I tried to cook cream puffs with very little results.
But I do not give up easily!!
Sunday I made good study on the theory of puffs (ahaha) and last Monday the desired result!
here they are filled with custard and glazed with sugar
obviously without lactose)
leave the recipe and procedure
For the cupcakes:
INGREDIENTS 4 medium eggs 130 gr flour 00
200 ml water 100 ml
oil 1 pinch of salt 1 teaspoon salt
soy milk to taste PROCEDURE
I poured in a pot with water, oil, salt and sugar and I put on the fire.
just started to boil, I poured flour and, still on fire, I continued to stir until the mixture has become solid and came off the walls.
I removed from the heat and poured the mixture into a bowl.
at this point I'd add the eggs one at a time.
every egg I mixed well and long to do it absorbs from the compound.
run out of eggs I noticed that the dough was still too strong (it must have a creamy consistency) and then I added two or three tablespoons of soy milk.
the dough was perfect.
I poured into a pastry bag with plain tip and I formed a lot of balls on lightly oiled baking tray.
I baked in the oven at 220 ° C for 15 minutes.
For the cream:
INGREDIENTS 150 grams of sugar
3 eggs 3 tablespoons potato starch
400 ml of soy milk vanilla
I worked well with the sugar until the eggs have a nice creamy consistency. I
dissolved potato starch and vanilla soy milk and I added the cream. I put on the fire and I stirred constantly until the cream has thickened.
if you want you can use instead of soy milk, orange juice or soy milk can boil the lemon peel to flavor the cream before using it.
fill the cooled cupcakes with the help of this cream with a pastry bag.
is obtained by dissolving the icing sugar with a little water.
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