held that the effects of the presence of landfill locations in Cerreto di Roccasecca although geographically located in the neighboring village appear heavily on the district Melfi di Sotto in the town of Pontecorvo by foul smells and the suspicion that biological damage to date not found, may involve agriculture and livestock, in addition of course to the people. Given the high agricultural vocation of the whole territory of Pontecorvo and also considered that the above areas fall within the territory protected by the mark PDO pepper croissant. For all the above, it would be desirable to have a greater activity by the Municipality of Pontecorvo to the problem through awareness raising and involvement of institutions and individuals involved in various ways such as, for example, the Consortium and the same PDO Coldiretti . In particular, the council could consider the implementation of compensatory measures in the refreshment of the damage and incurring the part of the population of Pontecorvo question such as, for example, improved infrastructure and services that should be at least partially to offset the discomfort, to envisage the exemption of the payment of TARSU for the period in which the landfill so-called "provisional" and will remain in operation until the consequences will be felt, considering the costs and compensate for lost revenue of the municipal funds through the activation of litigation for damages to institutions and / or individuals involved, if held responsible for various reasons the damage caused.
The President of the Chamber of Pontecorvo Moderate
Domenico Trotta
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