He always spoke of young people and their engagement in politics, but nobody has ever raised the issue of involving them in fact has always sought to prevent their involvement for fear of losing power. While we find a certain apathy and a sense of rejecting the true policy of the other there are those who have always followed the policy, there are those who decided to practice by engaging in person. Today, many young people are yet the effects of past policy without patronage and dependency. The nightmare of the recommendation, the policy has prevented many friends to be able to test their skills. Many resources have been lost, many ideas and many projects remained in the drawer of dreams of many young people. From then appreciate those who have the courage to express their thoughts, their political commitment firsthand. Especially those who choose not to appreciate the power, the politician in office, the coalition chooses the most convenient but rather choose the ideas and challenges. The experience of the moderator was useful to many friends and especially young people, a political laboratory where she was given the chance for everyone to express themselves and make public their ideas and opinions. Today many young people who are moderates as well as being the leaders of the Movement, are also distinguished in their profession. Many professionals who know the administrative machinery, they know the world of work, university, industrial, in short, a nursery that of the moderates who begins to churn out some real talent. To this we must give them confidence, and above all we must trust to promote a generational change that can no longer necessary. Over the years I've known politicians who do not yet know the network rather someone understood it as an electronic game, maybe it was disconnected with reality and still thought that the policy, the government moved even with their glorious typewriters and carbon paper. The network has shown that in these groups can change the world, manages to communicate even millions of people able to organize and send home dictators removed from office. The Moderates were the first to use the Internet for politics, were born when the first Martian blog looks, it is now clearly visible, all using the Internet and even Facebook. By this I mean that the new generations think and act in different ways and certainly more evolved than those who are still left behind. In politics in particular need of innovation, new ideas, new projects. It is therefore up to the young people come forward and fight old oligarchies, it is their responsibility to promote the City of the future, their responsibility to write the pages of a new chapter, it is they who will decide the future of the city. Roccasecca is preparing to go to vote and predictably will remain the same to recur with some exceptions, will be those who governed the city for 20 years to recur once again like new. What to expect, nothing good, nothing good, surely we will meet again for another 5 years they will think administrators to manage this without thinking about the future of the city. The Moderates for this reason dug out trying to differentiate themselves and stake everything on young people or at least trying to pass an idea different administration. Certainly it is difficult but nothing is impossible, from a defeat you can build a win, one must be confident and have the courage to move forward. That's why we focus on the young architect Andrea text because it is one of many young people who decided to gamble risking their own profession. A young man who decided to break the wall of submission which is still strong in this city. The local elections should not be afraid, it is an important moment, where they make their ideas where you are confronted with the voters. The fact that more than someone trying to share our ideas, and our project is already a step ahead, the comparison of these days is starting to fruit. Moderate to accept the ideas of someone is a bitter pill to swallow but the policy is also made for clarity and decision. Why worry about the votes of moderates, moderate or better, each is accountable to. The Moderates are going to propose innovative ideas that will obviously expose the inefficiencies of past administrations, will support projects ever conceived by the previous administrations. It 's the cost of the policy, we are sure that not all voters are ready to accept this kind of politics but in the end we have also given us a contribution to the growth of the City.
The Chairman of the Moderate
Silvio Germans